pedro a. ramírez

*makes sound art,  
       sound design,
       graphics and

     ︎ instagram
     ︎ bandcamp
     ︎ nina

Live @ SoundingsXtra, KHM Aula (2023)

for Serge Modular Synthesizer and Sampler.
Recorded on video8 by Chaya Shen

Live @ NKR Düsseldorf (2022)

Stereo mixdown of the 4 channel sound performance held in NKR Düsseldorf as part of the group exhibition "Schade Marmalade"

The camera died before the performance finalising, therefore apologies for the last couple minutes with absent image. 2022

one morning w/ Hye Young Sin (2023)

Excerpt of the performance 'one morning' by Hye Young Sin and Pedro Ramirez.

Video by Chanmin Kim Cologne, Germany 2023

there’s hell in hello but more in goodbye (2021)

Farewell concert in Bogotá

Live @ Gemeinde w/ Hye Young Sin (2023)

Hye Young Sin and Pedro Ramirez are a duo of sound artists based in Cologne, Germany. Their shared interest is to develop sonic experiments that blend the inner properties of acoustic and electronic sound, enhancing the experience of sound and placing the sonic variety at the core of their creative process.

In their collaboration work they developed an improvised sound performance revolving around the idea of creating acoustic ecosystems with the usage of different home appliances activated with motors along with lowercase electronic sound manipulation techniques. Through this sonic interaction, it attempts to build up live-sounding narratives that blur musical categories of the acoustic and the electronic and therefore raise awareness of minuscule sound realities.